1. Purpose of the class
Your child will be part of an energetic class teaching martial arts and Japanese culture through physical exercise and games. After this course your child will be able to fall break, roll and deal with some attacks. He or she will also understand more about perseverance, how to be brave and kind at the same time.
2. Objectives of the class
Your child will learn how to deal with difficult situations without hurting other people. He or she will develop more confidence and discipline. Physically your child will develop more strength. After the class he or she will have a better appetite and sleep well. We teach the class in a traditional Japanese manner but also use games to introduce Aikido techniques in a fun and interesting way.
3. Skills learned
- Fall breaks to the front. A special way to fall to make sure you don't get hurt.
- Fall breaks to the rear. A special way to fall to make sure you don't get hurt.
- Rolling forward from sitting, kneeling and standing position.
- Rolling backward from sitting, kneeling and standing position.
- Blocking attacks. This will help to stop people from touching you.
- Releases from grips. This helps you to stop people from holding you.
- Arm locks. This is to keep someone away from you without hurting them.
- Throws. This will help you to let someone loose their balance if they bother you.
- Keeping a safe distance. This is to help understand what a safe distance is.
- Concentration and discipline. This is to train awareness of surroundings.
4. Course plan
W.1: Rules of the dojo, what is aikido, warming up, break falls, game
W.2: Rules of the dojo, warming up, preparation for break falls, game
W.3: Japanese culture, warming up, preparation for rolling, blocking attack, game
W.4: Warming up, sitting break falls, sitting rolling, releases from grips, game
W.5: Warming up, kneeling break falls, kneeling rolling, arm locks, game
W.6: Warming up, standing break falls, standing rolling, arm locks, game
W.7: Warming up, break falls, rolling, blocking, keeping a safe distance, game
W.8: Warming up, backward break falls, backward rolling, throws, game
W.9: Warming up, all break falls and rolling reviewed, blocking, throws, game
W.10: Warming up, complete review, game
1. Purpose of the class
Whether you are a beginner or have trained before, come and join us and learn this wonderful Korean Martial Art.
2. Objectives of the class
Keep fit, have fun and learn some self defense. New and previous students welcome.
3. Skills learned
Self defense, discipline, fitness...and perhaps a colored belt if you work hard enough.
4. Course plan
Basic hand and foot strikes and blocks through to more advanced techniques as students develop. Some basic self defense strategies to stay safe and protect yourself.
1. Purpose of the class
In order for children to be able to protect themselves, in addition to providing life skills, they need to equip themselves with self-defense skills to escape the bad guys.
2. Objectives of the class
Students will have fun while they learn Japanese cultural values such as perseverance, modesty, honesty, kindness and fairness. They will have learn how things work in a typical Japanese dojo; how to greet and how to behave towards teachers or their friends while learning aikido. They will learn Japanese martial arts techniques such as how to fall without hurting yourself and others. We will introduce some self defense techniques.
3. Skills learned
Fall breaking; rolling; defending against holds and being hit, how to control an opponent without harming the opponent.
4. Course plan
Every class starts with warming up and stretching. The second part focuses on break falls and rolling. The third and last part of the class includes techniques for self defense. Every subsequent class builds further on the skills of the students. As we have only a limited number of weeks we will be focusing on skills which are easy to acquire in the time available.
1. Purpose of the class
The Taekwondo course is designed with a system of selective and scientific exercises, aiming to perfect and develop the physical and mental health of children following the strict discipline
2. Objectives of the class
Students will learn how to cope with fear to become stronger and more resilient. Being tidy and healthy will positively improve your kid's image as well. They become more confident and know how to control themselves
3. Skills learned
- Train your personality, be respectful, respect your family and teachers
- Know self-respect and dedication
- Help children learn to be independent, and build self-confident.
- Avoid conflict, avoid bullying and increase self-defense
- Learn how to accept the failure
- Help children improve their body function, physically develop and prevent disease
- Increase concentration
- Become more sociable and make more friends
- Learn how to get goals and achieve them
4. Course plan
Week 1: Learn a correct Fist, learn Punches, Front Kick techniques, Middle Stance and Vertical Move
Week 2: Review the Punches, Front Kick techniques, Middle Stance; learn Long Front Stance and Walking Stance
Week 3: Recap all the techniques
Week 4: Learn Low Block, combine with Walking Stance
Week 5: Learn High Block and recap all the techniques
Week 6: Learn Middle Block, combine with Walking Stance
Week 7: Combine Punches, Low Block and Long Front stance
Week 8: Practice 10 movements of the First Recognize Performance
Week 9: Recap the First Recognize Performance & Test